Affordable Chiropractic Care for the Whole Family
Our Hours
Mon 8am-1am, 2:30-5:30pm
Tues 10am-1pm, 2:45-5:00pm
Wed 8am-1pm, 2:30-5:30pm
Thurs 10am-1pm, 2:45-5:00pm
Fri 8am-1pm, 2:30-5:30pm
Saturday by appointment
“I have been using Chiropractors for over 40 years. In that period of time, I have used the services of several different Chiropractors. I find that the services provided by Dr. Rosenbush are some of the best I have ever experienced. He knows the latest techniques and procedures. He takes the time to listen to your complaints. He then offers a course of treatment that is the most effective for you.”
– David K
“I have been using Chiropractors for over 40 years. In that period of time, I have used the services of several different Chiropractors. I find that the services provided by Dr. Rosenbush are some of the best I have ever experienced. He knows the latest techniques and procedures. He takes the time to listen to your complaints. He then offers a course of treatment that is the most effective for you.”
– David K